As soon as the erection does not want to come on command, we men begin to doubt our masculinity and our potency in the bedroom. Unfortunately, problems with the erection are almost pre-programmed for us men. So it is only a matter of time before we have to face this issue. However, one thing right away, there are many different solutions that can help us in this area well, so no reason to lose your head.
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In this post, we’ll talk a little bit about erection problems and what the first steps are to determine if there is an actual problem, or if we’re just worrying too much and letting the famous mosquito become the elephant.
One thing first, we men like to define ourselves by the strength of our erections. Especially here lies a lot of potential to amplify existing problems or even to let our erection become a problem for no reason. It is time that we men get rid of old models and false ideals and understand our sexuality in its complexity not simply as a function but as an emotional experience. We are not sex robots that function at the push of a button, but are just as emotionally engaged in lovemaking as dear women. Of course our innate urges play a role in the way we respond sexually, but all the other factors are just as much part of the mix for a pleasurable and fulfilling sexuality as the firmness of our erection. Things like body awareness, being able to admit to pleasure, sexual ownership, sexual confidence, and one’s emotions can make all the difference in just having sex or enjoying it.
In the next section, we’ll take a look at the things we need to consider when our erections aren’t working as well as they might have in the past.
The absence of so-called spontaneous erections, such as the famous morning wood, are a good indicator to see if a health problem could be present. If they do not occur over a longer period of time, a visit to the doctor is a must. A thorough health check will reveal whether there might be a problem.
How does the situation behave during solo sex? Can I get and keep an erection while masturbating? Here, too, the first thing we get is important information that will help us to find the cause of the problem in the further course. If the erection can be built up without effort, the problem may lie in the lived couple sexuality with all the corresponding dynamics.
A visit to the doctor is a good idea in any case, both to clarify the various health parameters and to understand if the problem is more psychological. In the case of health problems, it is usually issues such as hormone levels or vascular disease. Likewise, there may be problems with the transmission of impulses from the nervous system. Almost any of the causes can be successfully helped.
If the medical check-up shows that there are no physiological reasons for the erection problems, a visit to a sex counselor or an experienced psychotherapist is recommended. Here we can look for the reasons that limit us in our sexuality and thus also in our ability to erect. In most cases, these are issues that have to do with fears and lack of sexual maturity / education.
In this section, we’ll look at several typical killjoys that can negatively affect our erections. Of course, there can be other reasons for erection problems. We humans are incredibly diverse and complex, so the causes of our erection problems can be just as different. For this very reason, a visit to a sex counselor is recommended for any man who is gnawing at issues of sexuality. Sex should be fun and give us fulfillment and joy of life. If this is not the case, sooner or later problems in bed are pre-programmed. So it is not worth waiting but to take things proactively in hand.
Problems with the desire, the libido are more and more often an issue which leads to erection problems. Without desire there is no erection, actually quite logical. The question is now specifically “what do I not feel like doing?”. The answer to this question is in most cases complicated and rather unpleasant. It is precisely here that it is worth working with a sexual or couples counselor.
Stress at work and the associated exhaustion, anxiety and the pressure to succeed, leave little room for sexuality and pleasure. In many cases, this is one of the reasons that makes the pleasure in the bedroom somewhat fall asleep. However, there are definitely also men who build up a stronger libido during high stress and use sex as a stress reliever. We humans function in all possible directions and can therefore be poorly standardized. What causes problems for one is a catalyst for the other and vice versa.
Relationship problems are another top candidate that can bring couple sexuality and erectile function to a standstill. If there is thick air in the relationship this can severely affect libido. Often couples counseling is a good solution to get the erection issues out of the way as well. Here too, there are couples who, in turn, through anger and the confrontation generated from it, create desire to celebrate after the noise in the living room hot reconciliation sex in the bedroom.
One of the best known and most difficult reasons for erection problems of a psychological nature is sexual pressure to perform. This can come from the partner as well as from ourselves. Here, we mainly work on issues of sexual self-confidence and false sexual role models.
Influences of various substances that we take can negatively affect our erection and our libido. Alcohol, nicotine or medications such as antihypertensives or psychotropic drugs are just a few of the best-known examples. Here, a precise clarification with the responsible doctor is necessary. Especially with medications, alternative preparations can be found, which are better compatible with the erection and libido. It is therefore worth talking about these problems with the doctor.
Lack of experience and the associated fears are another reason for difficulties with erection. Especially with young men, this can happen from time to time. A good dose of humor, curiosity and the necessary education are the helpful factors here.
With increasing age, the body and inevitably also our sexuality changes. In addition to health problems, issues such as the loss of a partner or family member are also a reason for the lack of desire and the associated erections.
For many men, another reason for the lack of erection can be the fear of commitment. In this case, the accompaniment of a couple therapist or even psychotherapy for the affected partner usually helps.